Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cinco de Mayo!

cinco de mayo was a prettyy eventful day we skated, hiked mountians, saw a wild rattlesnake, and ran around in our all in all it was an awesome day!!!! and also being in your underwear all night is so much funn i am going to try and start doing it on the regular.
bear and i went and hiked a mountain
and this is a rattle snake we ran into that bear almost stepped on and here is a video below of me taunting it trying to get it to rattle by making rattling sounds or trying to at least... awesome idea at the time but now that i think of it, it probably wasnt the greatest idea.
the weapons that vlad and bear sacked up with just in case we had another encounter with a rattlesnake or other desert dwelling creatures
bear scoping the area
cliffhanger shiz

dah veiw
leap of faith to awesome boulder
micheal scott parody

UNDIE RUN ASU 09 with the gang. this was awesome but i must admit i was kinda nervous at first i must admit but once i saw everyone in their underwear i just got super siked and couldnt wait to strip down to my undies!
yed came fully prepared digicam and all
ashley and prey
vlad and ashley in their best undies
ted and prey in their best undies
vlad and ashley
prey blogging ted while ted blogs me while i blog prey and vlad
punchy came too!
punchy made some rave candy gave one to to me that said some on it pretty siked on it. his said punchy, puppies, dish and gossip girl.
i dont know
eviana and alex showed up!
the run begins!
post run everyone reunited and it was a friggin blast!
ari was there but didnt participate but he still had a good time
the skater bois!

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