Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Camelback Mountain wit....

Eviana aka Buggzy the other night and it was a blast! we made it up the mountain in record time...to be exact we made it the top in 4 hours and 20 minutes...hehe. there are a lot of photos of her in this post but thats cause she is a huge camera hog! jahk jahk

we had some light show fun


this was maybe half way up

we stopped and had a photoshoot with this famous cactus. isnt it weird to think that cactus means one cactus and cacti mean many....that doesnt make any sense

and to the top!

ohh snazzy




this cactus towered above her like a 100 story building

we saw this lizard, thought it was alive but turned out to be dead so im thinking only dead animals will be shown on my blog from now on

i was trying to out art ted...i dont think it worked





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