Sunday, April 26, 2009

waka waka...

vlad had the best outfit ever on today. it reminded me of sherbert ice cream and if i wore that outfit thats all i would eat all day is sherbert ice cream from baskin robbins

then went down to hang out on mill with eviana and alex. here she is wearing a big earing i found on the ground and boy does that look fancy on her.

this is the first time i have seen E! in real life it was the phone one.

alex's boot was slowin us fast walkin people down..haha jkjk

dah sky at night

eviana got control of my camera somehow so the next few shots are from her kinda. some weird shtuff goes down on mill, some guy i think hit his face or something..idk

she stepped in a baby puke pond....grrrooooossssss! haha

eviana and alex conquered their fear of.......THE GRAFFITI SHOP!

eviana and alex and some fruti roll ups in the car which i happen to love but......

...i only got this much haha

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